Top 20 Questions You Should Ask A PR Agency Before You Hire Them - A PR Agency Hiring Guide From Award Winning BPM-PR Firm

So, you’re ready to take your brand to the next level and are eyeing a PR agency to make it happen. Great choice! There is truly no better decision to grow your brand and ensure that it remains front and center in a customers mind than through a press and media campaign. However, before you sign on the dotted line and hand over your marketing budget, it’s crucial to vet your potential PR agency partners thoroughly. Here’s a guide on the top 20 questions you should ask to avoid landing in a PR pitfall. 

1. "What’s Your Industry Experience?"

Many publicists have worked cross industry. It's one of the rare careers that you can hop business vertical to business vertical.....when they are learning. Seasoned PR pros generally settle on or stack up experience within a in your specific industry, or are they just dabbling? You wouldn’t hire a car mechanic who only fixes bicycles for a luxury sports car repair job, so ensure their expertise aligns with your field. The right PR agency will have a track record in your industry, making them better equipped to tailor strategies that suit your needs.

2. "How Big Is Your PR Agencies Team, and Who Will Be Doing the Work?"

Bigger does not always mean better and likewise three people in a room may be a little too small to produce real media noise. A massive PR agency might sound impressive, but you risk not receiving the dedicated attention you need from senior team members. Conversely, a team that's too small might lack the resources to effectively handle your needs. Ensure you know who will be your day-to-day contact for the PR project and how many team members will be regularly dedicated to your account. You want to balance having enough hands on deck without being relegated to junior staff or interns managing your project as they are still learning the ropes.

3. "When Should I Expect to See My First Media Placements?"

If they promise you overnight success, they might be exaggerating. PR is more marathon than sprint. A realistic timeframe will give you a clearer picture of when to start expecting results, however don't let them tell you that the answer to this is "a few months". That should never be the case. A reliable PR agency should provide a timeline based on their experience and past performance. For all customers this answer may vary, but if they are a PR agency worth the retainer that you are about to pay, they should be able to provide you an answer.

4. "Can You Show Me Some of Your Past Media Over the Last Three Months?"

Seeing recent media placements helps you gauge their current industry standing and connections. It’s like checking a chef’s latest reviews before dining—just less about food poisoning and more about media exposure. Review recent placements from the PR agencies you’re considering to assess their effectiveness and relevance to your goals. If their largest media hit was 6 months ago, or if they don't show regular large scale placements then it may be time to inquire elsewhere.

5. "What’s the Quality of Those Media Placements?"

Placement in a top-tier publication is gold; a mention on an obscure site with no audience is less shiny. Quality truly matters when working with a PR Agency . Ask how they measure which media outlets to pass on and which ones determine where they will place. High-quality media placements indicate a strong PR agency capable of securing impactful coverage.

6. "Can You Provide Case Studies of Similar Clients?"

Ask for examples of similar work they’ve done for clients in your industry or niche. If they can’t provide relevant case studies, they might be fumbling in the dark when it comes to your unique needs. Solid PR agencies will have compelling case studies that demonstrate their expertise and success in areas similar to yours.

7. "How Do You Measure Success?"

Knowing your KPIs is crucial for evaluating the success of your PR efforts, but it's important not to overdo it. While metrics like audience engagement, sentiment analysis, and conversions are essential, the number of media placements remains a straightforward and significant indicator of a PR agency's performance. Focus on a balanced set of KPIs that align with your strategic goals, ensuring that your PR activities drive tangible results without getting bogged down in overly complex analytics. A proficient PR agency will help provide a clear picture on how they measure success, as well as provide clear and actionable insights without overwhelming you with unnecessary data.

8. "What Is Your Crisis Management Strategy?"

Even the best-laid PR plans can go awry. Ensure they have a solid crisis management strategy in place to handle any potential hiccups without sending your brand into a tailspin. Top PR agencies will have a clear and tested crisis response plan to safeguard your reputation in challenging times.

9. "What Are Your Reporting Practices?"

Transparency is key. Ask how often they’ll provide updates and what those reports will include. You don’t want to be left in the dark about how your PR efforts are performing. An effective PR agency will offer regular, detailed reports and touch base meetings to keep you informed and engaged.

10. "How Do You Ensure That Media Remain Interested in Our Business or Brand?"

Keeping media interest piqued can be a delicate dance. A good PR agency will have strategies in place to maintain and build media interest over time. They should be able to demonstrate how they plan to keep your brand relevant and engaging for journalists and influencers, ensuring sustained coverage and attention.

11. Are There Any Systems or People We Need at the Forefront to Run an Outstanding PR Campaign?"

Running an outstanding PR campaign requires the right systems and people. Do you need to set up an affiliate program? Do your C-level executives need to be prepared to speak in interviews? Addressing these questions early in the sales process can help avoid hiccups later. Additionally, ask about the agency's approach to social media. Social media is crucial in modern PR, so understanding how they plan to integrate your social media presence into their strategy and what tools or techniques they use to boost your online visibility is essential. A savvy PR agency will seamlessly blend social media strategies with traditional PR efforts, ensuring a comprehensive approach to promoting your brand.

12. "How Diverse Is Your PR Team?"

Diversity isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a strategic advantage. A diverse team brings varied perspectives and innovative ideas to the table, ensuring that your PR strategy resonates with a broader audience. Ask about their team’s composition and how it enhances their work. Top PR agencies understand that diversity fuels creativity and broader market reach.

13. "What’s Your Process for Developing PR Strategies?"

Understanding their methodology will give you insight into how they tailor their approach to meet your specific needs. Are their strategies data-driven, research-backed, and customized to fit your goals? A robust PR agency will have a systematic and adaptive approach to crafting effective PR strategies.

14. "What Are Your Pricing and Payment Terms?"

Clear, upfront pricing helps avoid nasty surprises down the road. Understand their fee structure, payment terms, and if there are any additional costs involved. Be wary of agencies that tack on unreasonable fees for small additions to grow your campaign or charge surprise fees for hourly overages. You should be prepared to invest in a PR agency, but don’t invest in one that nickel-and-dimes you for every little thing. That extra clarification meeting you requested shouldn’t come with a price tag.

15. "Can You Share Client References?"

Speaking with current or past clients can provide a reality check. Ask for references and be prepared to dig into their experiences to get a well-rounded view of the agency’s performance. Positive client feedback is a strong indicator of a reputable PR agency.

16. "How Do You Stay Updated with Industry Trends?"

The PR world is ever-evolving. PR agencies need to ensure they stay on top of the latest trends and technologies to keep your brand ahead of the curve. Ask about their continuous education, training for internal teams and ongoing professional development efforts. A proactive PR agency will invest in staying current to deliver cutting-edge strategies.

17. "What Makes Your Agency Different from Others?"

A unique selling proposition (USP) should set them apart from the competition. Whether it’s their creative approach, unique tools, or proprietary processes, find out what makes them stand out. Differentiation is key when choosing between various PR agencies.

18. "What Are Your Agency’s Core Values?"

This might be one of the most underrated questions when vetting a PR Agency. Aligning on core values can be crucial for a successful partnership. This question will ensure that you and your PR partner work together seamlessly for years in media and activation growth bliss. Do their values resonate with yours and those of your business? It's important that they practice what they preach, both internally and in client work relationships. A PR agency that shares your values will always be much more invested in your success than one who does not.

19. "How Do You Handle Creative Differences?"

No one knows your business better than you do, and you don’t want to feel bulldozed into a PR strategy that doesn’t resonate with you. It’s important that your new PR partner listens carefully and understands your vision. They should be able to seamlessly integrate your voice into a strong media campaign. Ensure they can handle creative differences with ease and are committed to collaborating with you to refine strategies that align with your unique business insights.

20. "How Will My Account Be Set Up, and How Can I Tell What Work Is Being Done Day-to-Day or Weekly?"

Your relationship with your PR agency shouldn’t feel like peering through a foggy glass. You need transparency in your partnership. Ask how the PR Agency will set up your account and what kind of insights you’ll get into their daily or weekly activities. You should have clear visibility into your monthly strategy and ongoing tasks. Regular, detailed updates should be part of the package, ensuring you’re always informed about the work being done on your behalf. 

Choosing the right PR agency can make or break your brand’s public image. By asking these 20 insightful questions, you’ll be better equippfhhfed to find a partner who not only meets your needs but also helps you shine brightly in the media spotlight. Contact us at BPM-PR Firm today if you are ready to being your PR campaign. At BPM-PR Firm, we are ready and able to answer each of these questions for you and activate your PR campaign immediately.
